Are you one of the millions that experiences low back pain on a regular basis?
Did you know that low back pain can come from many different sources? Because of this it is important to figure out the culprit, rather than thinking a massage can fix all of our problems or that your chronic disc issue is "flared up" again.
Here are a few health concerns that can cause low back pain. This is including more than just musculoskeletal complaints.
-Chronic inflammation
-Lymph congestion
-Kidney Issues
-Lumbar spine disc issues (bulge, rupture, herniation)
-Intestinal discomfort
-SI joint dysfunction
-Depression (sadness, discouragement)
-Menstruation pains
-Psoas tightness
-Anxiety (worry, stress)
-Lumbar sprain/strain
Low back pain is not always a result of spine issues, so it is important to identify the cause of your pain is. Pain you are experiencing can be referring from another area. Seeking out a chiropractor or functional medicine practitioner can help naturally treat issues like these whether it be a musculoskeletal or visceral issue!